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 1. Shinzen Young  Guided Vipassana Meditation  5 Classic Meditations 
 2. Roy Masters  Beyond the Guided Meditation 3: Results and Resistance to Meditation  Meditation - Overcoming Stress & Illness 
 3. Roy Masters  Beyond the Guided Meditation 3: Results and Resistance to Meditation  Meditation - Overcoming Stress & Illness 
 4. Ajahn Sona  Teatime- sanga in society, meditation- samatha, vipassana, metta, benefits  Sona 19: Teatime at Birken Dec 2006 
 5. Ajahn Sister Sundara  Guided Meditation  01 
 6. Bhante Henepola Gunaratana  day 2 - guided meditation B  Bhavana Jhana Retreat - 2001 
 7. Ajahn Nyanadhammo  Guided Meditation  Bot Meeting WPN 
 8. Inner Focus Holistic Healing  Guided Meditation  Inner Focus Guided Meditation 
 9. Inner Focus Holistic Healing  Guided Meditation  Inner Focus Guided Meditation 
 10. Shaila Catherine  Guided "Big Mind" Meditation  Dharma Talks from IMSB 
 11. Tempel Smith  Guided Meditation: 2010-07-05  Insight Meditation Center, Redwood City, CA 
 12. Raymond Burton  RaymondBurton.com-guided-meditation  RaymondBurton.com 
 13. Bhante Y Rahula  13 guided meditation on Dying  Living and Dying 
 14. Gil Fronsdal  Factors of Awakening Guided Meditation 2 of 6   
 15. Guy Armstrong  2001-01/05 Big Mind: Guided Meditation  New York Insight Meditation Center http://www.nyimc.org/ 
 16. Steve Armstrong  Awareness of Mind Guided Meditation 2 of 6  www.insightmeditationcenter.org 
 17. Steve Armstrong  Awareness of Mind Guided Meditation 5 of 6  www.insightmeditationcenter.org 
 18. Chas Dicapua  2008-08/03 Guided Metta Meditation  2008-07/30 IMSRC Investigating Life: Insight Meditation Retreat for 18-32 Year Olds http://www.dharma.org/ims 
 19. George lockett  Energy Balancing Guided Meditation  HealerGeorge Meditations 
 20. Heather Martin  2008-07/16 Upekkha: Guided Meditation  2008-07/11 SR Metta http://www.spiritrock.org/ 
 21. Ajahn Thanasanti  Guided Meditation - The Full Breath  2009-03/06 IMSRC The Heart of Wisdom: Monastic Retreat http://dharma.org 
 22. Steve Armstrong  2003-08/15 Big Sky Mind Guided Meditation  Maui, Hi 
 23. http://podcast.gurusingh.com  Deeply Relax with a Guided Meditation   
 24. Roy Masters  Beyond the Guided Meditation 1: How to Conquer Negative Emotions  Meditation - Overcoming Stress & Illness 
 25. Gloria Taraniya Ambrosia  2004-04/21 Guided Meditation: Contemplation Of Feeling  Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge http://www.dharma.org 
 26. Christopher  1992-04/12 Everyday Life With Guided Meditation  1992-04/03 IMSRC Heal The Earth Weekend 7 Day Med/Inq http://dharma.org 
 27. Roy Masters  Beyond the Guided Meditation 1: How to Conquer Negative Emotions  Meditation - Overcoming Stress & Illness 
 28. Rick Hanson  2010-05/29 Equanimity in the Dharma and in your Brain- guided meditation  Spirit Rock Meditation Center http://www.spiritrock.org/ 
 29. Rick Hanson  Rick Hanson - 2010-05/29 Equanimity in the Dharma and in your Brain- guided meditation  Spirit Rock Meditation Center http://www.spiritrock.org/ 
 30. Roy Masters  Guided Meditation for Stress Reduction | Instant Stress Relief?  Meditation - Overcoming Stress and Illness 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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